Participation of Residents in making a Development Plan of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi
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The research on participation of people to make a development plan of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province, has objectives to study and compare levels of participation of people in the area of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province towards the local development plan of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province. The study was divided according to personal status. Sample groups used in the study are people having names in the civil registration in the area of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province, numbering 370 people. The obtained information is used in analysis according to the statistical methods, including percentage, mean, standard deviation, hypothesis test comparing people's participation in making a development plan, dividing according to genders, age, education, occupation and income permonth. The researcher analyzed By t-test and one-way ANOVA. The statistical significance is at .05. The research result found that:
- Participation of people in making of a development plan of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province in each aspect has the overview in much level. Each aspect is considered, the researcher finds that every aspect is in much level.
- People having different ages and occupations have participation in local development plan of Bang Phai Sub-district Administration Organization, Mueang District, Nonthaburi Province in different level.
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