Development of Teacher Preparation Model to Serve Education 4.0

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Apipa Prachyapruit


This study is a descriptive research. The main research objective is to develop teacher preparation model for education 4.0. The research procedures included analyzing essential competencies for teachers in education 4.0; analyzing strengths and weaknesses of current teacher preparation in Thailand; and analyzing successful teacher preparation at the international level. Then, develop a draft of the teacher preparation model for education 4.0, which was reviewed by experts. Research findings showed that essential competencies for teachers in education 4.0 era were composed of 10 core competencies for education 4.0 and six professional teacher competencies. Strengths and weaknesses analysis of current teacher preparation in Thailand revealed more weaknesses than strengths. Meanwhile, findings from the analysis of teacher preparation in Finland and Singapore provided good lessons for Thailand. Teacher preparation model for education 4.0, derived from this study was entitled, Professional and Innovativeness Enhancement Teacher Education Model, composed of eight core elements.

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