Expectation Management : The Tools for Quality Creation in Service Organization

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Sarid Sriyothin


Customer expectation management is the key to drive the service organization in Thailand to be competitive. When the administrator and staff in service organization focus on the customer expectation management, their organization will turn to be the quality service organization. The expectation of services originated from the service recipients acknowledge the information of service organization from different sources, process these information received as the service expectation, and apply them as criteria for the judgment of quality  service whether it could give response as expected or not. If the service recipients are served as expected, the service will have quality. Consequently, the administrator and staff in service organization realize the entire expectation of service recipients by applying tools to analyze service expectations, such as SERVQUAL survey.  Therefore, there are prepared- service data or development of service innovation to meet the customer expectation and satisfaction. If the response exceeds expectation, the service recipient will have impression and loyalty to the service organization. Thus, the expectation management is a potential indicator for the competition of service organizations in Thailand 4.0.

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