Sports and Moral Ethical Development for Students

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Sittipong Pannak


This article aims to reflect the importance of morality and ethics in human society. The morality and ethics are considered the main factors contributing to a peaceful and livable society as it can encourage people to be aware of kindness and generosity to each other. It also helps improve society from materialized society to spiritual- value society. In developing and promoting morality and ethics, one can plan and focus on development areas through the educational system. Currently, physical education and sports play important roles in developing vital physical qualities such as strength and are associated with people in different ways from children to adult; for example, to develop children body movement. In playing games and sports, players need to learn about self-discipline, observance of rights, and follow rules and regulations of different kinds of sports. Therefore, the instructors can apply different kinds of sports and insert the content of morality and ethics to their students to provide experience in playing sports based on the eight desirable characteristics which are included in The Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008), curriculum guidelines for compulsory education. The eight desirable characteristics consist of (1) love of nation, religion and king, (2) honesty and integrity, (3) self-discipline, (4) avidity for learning, (5) observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, (6) dedication and commitment to work, (7) cherishing Thai-ness, and (8) public-mindedness.  These eight desirable characteristics are directly related to the moral and ethical values ​​of the students.


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