Community Participation in the Development of the Elderly Quality of Life of Thakhae Sub-District Lopburi Province
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The objectives of this research were to study the context of community and quality of life of the elderly, participation and the involvement of the community in improving the quality of life of the elderly in Thakae District, Lopburi Province.
The study used a combined approach, including quantitative research, which data obtained from the survey of 308 elderly people and the qualitative research, which data obtained from in-depth interviews, the participation and the focus group. The data received were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results found that Thakae District is a historic community with its culture conducive to the involvement of the community. The involvement of community residents together with local authorities helped develop activities contributed to improving quality of life for the elderly, health care, mental health, social and environmental relationships. Moreover, the community involvement approach of Thakae District Administration was encouraged by promoting the awareness of the public, creating a cultural awareness in the community, including powerful harmony driven by the collective awareness of the volunteers who were ready to work and contributed to improve the quality of life of the elderly in the community.
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