The Effects of Customer Perceived Quality on Customer Loyalty Four and five Star Hotel

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Natteera Pummapanth


The objectives of this research were to analyze 1) perceived value, customer satisfaction, image, organization reputation and customer loyalty from the effects of customer perceived quality; 2) customer satisfaction, image, organization reputation and customer loyalty from the effects of customer perceived value; 3) image, organization reputation and customer loyalty from the effects of customer satisfaction; and 4) customer loyalty from the effects of image and organization reputation. This research applied a mixed method research design of survey and interview. The data were collected from 600 Thai customers who used the hotel service and from professional interview. The results found that the opinion on the overall effect of six variables was at high level. In addition, the results of the test hypothesis found that the model of influence on the effects of the customer perceived quality on customer loyalty was harmonious with the empirical data, considering from harmony index, χ2= 163.20, df = 153, χ2/df = 1.066, p-value = 0.27144, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.976,AGFI = 0.960, RMSEA = 0.011, SRMR = 0.019.

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