A Participatory Action Research (PAR) for the Distribution Channel Development of the Community Products Using the Internet Website System : A Case Study of the Community Products of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Province
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The purpose of this research was to analyze the marketing operation situation of the community product group, PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. To Study the readiness and ability to use the internet network system to develop distribution channels for products Develop distribution channels for community products using the internet network system. Operational Research Questionnaires, interviews and group discussions were used as the tools. The study indicated that most of the participants were group presidents. Product type is the type of use Operational period more than 5 years. Main customers are working age groups. From the analysis of the operational situation, found that most modern technology is used in the marketing management. Followed by irregular communication Readiness and ability to use the network system found that the overall is at a moderate level. As a result of the development of distribution channels for community products with the internet network system found that the system was developed and designed with the standard Bootstrap Framework by programming with PHP language using MySQL as the software for data storage and HeidiSQL is software for managing Database. The results of the system evaluation, development of distribution channels found that the assessors had opinions about the contact with the system user system processing and the results obtained from the system are at a high level.
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