Brand Equity Affecting the Purchasing Loyalty of Baba Clothing and Batik Sarong of Phuket Tourist Community Enterprise

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Darunee Mukem


This research aims to 1) analyze the opinion level and the relationship between brand equity and loyalty in the purchase of Baba clothing and the batik sarong of brand D's corner, and 2) investigate brand equity affected the purchase loyalty of brand D's corner.  The research methodology was survey.  The samples were 400 consumers who lived in Phuket and bought or used to buy brand D’s corner Baba clothing and Batik sarong brand. The research instrument was questionnaire. The data received were analyzed by descriptive statistics:  frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that both overall brand equity and overall loyalty were at the agreed level (= 4.34 and 4.32). The relationship between brand equity and loyalty in the purchase of brand D's corner found that the overall relationship had a high level (r = .796) of relevance and was in the same direction at Sig.01. Additionally, the brand equity had affected the purchase loyalty of brand D's corner. Multiple regression analysis in the standardized form was adjusted R2= 66.3%. This equation indicated that all three phrases of brand equity were able to forecast the variation on purchase loyalty of brand D's corner at 66.3 percent, the remaining of 33.7 percent which were due to other variables.

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