Discourse Analysis : Christian Identity Preservation of Bang Nok Khwaek Catholics, Bang Khonthi District Samut Songkhram Province

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Pichayaporn Peerapan
Phitak Siriwong


The objective of this study was to find out the discourse analysis of Christian identity preservation of Bang Nok Khwaek Catholics, Amphoe Bang Khonthi, Samut Songkhram Province by using text analysis, discursive practice and social practice. This study was a qualitative research using Fairclough’s discourse analysis approach for document reviews, observations and in-depth interviews of 10 persons consisted of priests, leaders and common Catholics. The results found that the text for the Christian identity preservation of Bang Nok Khwaek Catholics consisted of three aspects: belief and faith, culture and tradition and architecture and arts. In terms of discursive practice the results included the stage of text using, the editorial procedures which linked to the text and reorganized the text through the production process, this dimension consisted of belief and faith, culture and tradition and architecture and arts. Moreover, in terms of Social practice results, it was found that the discursive reproduction support from social practice came from three aspects; social activity, representation and performance. In addition, the Christian identity of Bang Nok Khwaek Catholics relied on their firm beliefs and faith, conservation of culture, traditions, architecture and arts inherited from their ancestors. Christian identity of Bang Nok Khwaek Catholics reproduction was continuously supported by all Catholic organizations and the Catholics who strongly co-operate to develop a concrete and unified community.

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