The Analysis of Second Tier City’s Readiness for Decision Making of MICE Events in Thailand : Viewpoints of Stakeholders in Central, Northeastern and Southern regions

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Supawan Teerarat
Prasopchai Pasunon


The objectives of this research were 1) To analyse the readiness of second-tier city for being venue of MICE events in Thailand and 2) To study factor of city’s  readiness that affects MICE events’ decision making in the second-tier city. The study was based on questionnaire surveys collected from 119 MICE stakeholders, by using purposive sampling method. Research instrument used the systematic literature reviews, questionnaire, statistics for data analysis by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis and multiple regressive analysis accordingly. The study revealed that 1) Factors affecting the readiness of second-tier city consisted of 9 factors :  City’s capabilities and supports  Demand & supply  Venue and accommodation  Process of event promotion  Facilitation from governments  Infrastructure Services and benefit to community  Business opportunities and Offering equipments & information technology  by venue 2) The factor influencing the highest level of decision making towards MICE events in second-tier city are  The factor of venue and accommodation.  and The factor of Infrastructure accordingly.

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