Group Relation Activity to Build Relationship Among Students, Instructors, and Mentors Using Advice Giving Technique of High Vocational Certificate Students (High Voc. Cert.), Bilateral System, Eastern Technological College (E.TECH)

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Phairoh Rachsomboon
Sumitra Yapradit
Chetphanat Leelasrisiri
Trirath Sithitool


The research aimed to 1) study satisfaction of students who attend the group relation activity to build relationship among students, instructors, and mentors using advice giving technique and 2) to study results of organizing the group relation activity to build relationship among students, instructors, and mentors using advice giving technique of high vocational certificate students (High Voc.Cert.), Bilateral System, Eastern Technological College (E.TECH). The sample comprised 608 persons of the 1st year high vocational certificate students who attended the group relation activity in the second semester, the academic year 2019. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire with 3 parts and group Relation Activity to Build Relationship Among Students, Instructors, and Mentors Using Advice Giving Technique. The statistics for data analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The findings from the study showed that 1) the 1st year student were overall satisfied with the activity at a high degree   (x̄ = 3.91), 2) after the students attended the group relation activity to build relationship among students, instructors, and mentors using the advice giving technique, it was found that students dared to ask for advice from instructors when they had problems with their study (x̄ = 4.50), followed by students wished the college to organize such activity again (x̄ = 4.49), and students were motivated to finish their study after they attended this activity (x̄ = 4.44). The activity that could build relationship between students the most was blindfold activity (x̄  = 4.47) and the activity that could build relationship among students, instructors, and mentors the most was the first step does not matter, the next step will reach the dream (x̄  = 4.48).

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