Factors Affecting Purchase Behavior About Bakery Take Away of Student Groups in Samut Prakan Province

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Borakorn Thasorn


The objectives of this study were to analyze the use of marketing-mix factors affecting the behavior for purchasing the take away bakery of student groups in Samutprakarn Province,  investigate their behavior in purchasing the take away bakery, and analyze their personal factors affecting their behavior in purchasing the take away bakery. This research was a quantitative one. The questionnaire was used as the research tool.  The samples were four hundred students in Samutprakan Province. The data received were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test, and Chi-Square at the statistical significant level of 0.05.

The results revealed that the majority of the respondents used the overall marketing-mix factors affecting their behavior in purchasing the take away bakery at the highest level.  Considering at each factor, the factor of product received the highest mean.  Next on down were price, channel of distribution, marketing promotion, service process, personnel, and physical condition, respectively. In terms of the behavior, the majority of the respondents mentioned that the type of the take away bakery purchased was bread.  The reason for their purchase was its taste.  The frequency of their purchase was 1-2 times/week.  The place of purchasing was at the street bakery.  The average expenses used were between 101-150 bahts. The purchase period was in the afternoon.  They purchased the take away bakery regularly for themselves and for their family. The results of the hypothetical testing found that the respondents who were from different gender, age group, and educational level showed no different behavior in purchasing the take away bakery. In addition, their use of marketing-mix factors did not affect their behavior in purchasing the take away bakery.

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