A Development and Testing of Health Literacy on Disease Prevention and Control Assessment form for Public Health Officers

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This action research aims to develop and to test the health literacy on disease prevention and control assessment of the public health officers. The research was divided into 2 phases: phase 1; including (1) establishing the conceptual framework (2)  reviewing the literature and specifying the skills (3) manipulating the structure of the research tool (4) selecting the measuring scale (5) conducting the content validity test.  The samples used in this phase were 5 executive experts, purposely selected according to the criteria. The data received from the questionnaire completed by the experts were analyzed. Phase 2; including (1) the trying-out (2) the reliability test (3) the analysis and the classification of health literacy level. The samples used in phase 2 were 98 public health officers, and 5 facilitators. The research tool comprised of a HL questionnaire, a questionnaire of experts’ opinion. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics; frequency, percentage, and mean; Cronbach’s alpha; and qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis.

The result revealed that the edited edition of the  instrument (the new version) was generated based on the empirical references, and the expert reviews with the internal consistency=.81.  In the stage of trying out. The assessment form was a 20-item questionnaire containing five skills with 5-point scale, 0-4 score: including never, very difficult, difficult, easy, and very easy with the overall reliability =.917, accessibility=.694, understanding=.705, questioning=.797, decision-making =.842, and applying=.852; the test required 10-15 min for self-administering. The cut point was generated based on the result into four groups, following type 3: including 1-inadequate (lower 60%), 2-problematic (60-74.9%), 3-sufficient (75-89.9%), and 4-excellent (upper 90%). These findings showed the development of assessment form and an initial category of the cut point which presented information to fill the gap of each item to improve the skills.

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