Participatory Communication Management for Information and Wisdom Dissemination Via Urban Information System

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Suwimon Vongsingthong
Jinda Jokkaew
Nirun Ngamkerd


The adoption of information technology for communication and Urban communities wisdom management of Bang Khen, Bangkok remains a less-intention topic in research community as it is a non-beneficial business for the project operator. Besides, it is laborious for a community to start a project itself because the community does not have sufficient knowledge and understanding of information technology. Therefore, research on the use of community wisdom in management and development of urban information systems of communities in Bang Khen District, Bangkok" was initiated with a collaboration between academics from Krirk University, Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission, Bang Khen District, Office Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and Information Technology student and Bang Khen communities, consisting of Bang Bua Community and Sirichai Village Community. The purposes are to 1) study the context and situation of wisdom in the community, and 2) to build community participation in the design and development of information systems for urban communities in Bang Khen. The research tools consisted of interview form, field record form, group discussion and questionnaire. Lastly, the communities have acquired guidelines for developing and applying website, Facebook Fanpage, and Line OA as a communication channel within the community. These tools are used threefold; to spread wisdom to increase revenue generation, to serve as a comfortable communication channel which can reach out to many more members of the community and to expand business channels in accordance with the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Author Biography

Suwimon Vongsingthong, Faculty of Business Administration, Information Technology and Management Program, Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand

Department of Information Technology and Management
Faculty of Business Administration


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