The Application of Customer Journey and Touchpoint for Marketing of E-Retailing Business to Reach Consumers in the Digital Marketing World

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Natcha Thumrongchot


This article is intended to study the application of Customer Journey, Touchpoint, with marketing to reach consumers in the digital marketing world and provide business-benefit recommendations for electronic retailers to develop and create a better consumer experience. Which found that the beginning of the customer journey starts from before becoming a customer, deciding to buy a product or using a service, until returning to buy or using the service again. Along the customer journey, there are many touchpoints that consumers have to meet, such as brand awareness through various media, searching for information about products or services, making purchase decisions through mobile phone applications or website, employee supervision through online channels, as well as brand support through social media reviews. It can be seen that if entrepreneurs can determine the customer journey accurately, they will notice what behaviors customers have in order to offer their products or services to customers at the right time.

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