Quality of Services Affecting the Decision on Using Spa Business of Thai Tourists in Chiang Mai

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Chayanisa Wongphan
Chawalee Na Thalang
Seri Wongmonta


The research of quality of services affecting the decision on using spa business of Thai tourists in Chiang Mai for health tourism planning. However, despite the great increase in this topic, there is a lack of academic interest and research effort. Then, it may lose the opportunity to promote this type of tourism in the future. In this regard, this study attempted 1) to study the level of opinions of the service quality and the decision on using spa business according to the marketing mix and 2) to find the relationship between the factors of service quality of the spa business that affecting the decision on using spa business. Data were collected a sampling of 400 Thai tourists by accidental sampling. Then, the data were analyzed statistically using mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis tests in multiple regression. There were at the level of 0.05.

               Results showed that 1) the overall Thai tourists’ opinion levels had the high level toward service quality of spa business in Chiang Mai, with the factor of empathy, quality assurance factors, customer response factors in order. Moreover, the overall Thai tourists’ decision had also the high level of the spa business on the marketing mix factor with the product, the policy of the establishment and image perception in order and 2) Thai tourists' opinions on the quality factor of spa business services in terms of products or services, personnel, and staff physical, characteristics and prices, there were significant differences at 0.05 level. 

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