The Factors Affecting Customer Relationship Management and Loyalty to Department Stores in Bangkok
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The study to study effects of different levels of factors on customer relationship management and loyalty to department stores in Bangkok, including the influences of travel information, marketing communication, to goals for the purchase of goods and services and to study the influence of customer relationship management and loyalty to department stores in Bangkok. For a qualitative research, the sample group containing 10 executives of customer relationship management who were able to provide insights. For a quantitative research part, the sample of 400 people. The results of the research found that the sample group was 268 females, representing 67%. Most of them were 21-30 years old, representing 42.3%, with 269 people 67.3% had a bachelor's degree. The majority of 53.3% have a number of family members of 3-4 people and there were 191 people or 47.8% earning 15,001-30,000 baht per month. The model's goodness of fit indices gave SRMR = 0.05, CFI = 0.96, NFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.96, and GFI = 0.94, which was considered acceptable. While the RMSEA = 0.02 and 2/df = 1.56 were considered satisfactorily acceptable. The hypothesis testing results showed that marketing communication and purchasing goals had a positive influence on customer relationship management with a statistical significance at the same level of 0.001. Also, it was found that the goal of purchasing products and customer relationship management had a positive influence on department store loyalty with statistically significances of 0.001 and 0.01, respectively.
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