The Development of Infographics Book on Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) for Chinese Students

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LiBo Lu
Nition Pornumpaisakul


The objectives of this article are to 1. develop the knowledge and understanding of Chinese students on Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) by utilizing infographics, and 2. analyze the satisfaction rate of Chinese students towards the Infographics Book on Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) for Chinese students. The research tools are infographics books and satisfaction rate survey forms. The researcher used One-shot case study as a research method, which is the research with only one focus group and one-time analysis. The result showed that the book had the performance value E1/E2 = 89.88/92.17, which reached the designated value of E1/E2 =75/75. The mean of the satisfaction rate of the target group was equals to 4.90, which was the maximum satisfaction rate. This showed that the research tool helped Chinese students learn more about Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), Thai language, and Economy.  Also, it helped increasing the students’ vocabulary bank and could be used as a teaching medium for Business Thai Language Studies for Chinese students.

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