Guidelines for Development of Digital Technology Intergrated Art Activity Package to Promote Motivation in Art Creation for Preschoolers

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Natnicha Maneephruek
Sarita Juaseekoon


This evaluative research aims to examine the guidelines for development of digital technology intergrated art activities package to promote motivation in art creation for preschoolers. Data collection consisted of studying related document and observing in early childhood class and research and  interviewing of 12 experts. The results of this research showed that the 4 principles of the guidelines for the development of digital technology integrated art activities package to promote motivation in art creation for preschoolers consisted of 1) Aesthetic Experiences 2) Art Making Experiences 3) Encounters with Art and 4) Reinforcement. The process consisted of 3 steps as follows: Step 1) creating motivation and connecting experiences: focusing on children to used multi-sensory, Step 2) creating art with digital technology: combining traditional arts with digital technology and Step 3) summarizing and encountering with art: the children reviewed their knowledge and connected to their experiences through games or educational applications.

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