Motivation and work environment that influence team performance
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This article aims to 1) investigate the work environment affecting the employees’ motivation, 2) examine the motivation of employees affecting team performance, and 3) analyze the work environment affecting team performance by using performance motivation as mediator variable. This study was a quantitative study collecting data by using questionnaire. The sample group used in this research was 420 employees in the electrical and electronics industry. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing used the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).
According to the findings, the measurement model analysis revealed that the average variance extracted (AVE) which had ranges from .5191to .5918 was accurate and reliable with the factor loading ranges from .5898 to .8429. The results of the structural model analysis were of good quality with the R2 values of the motivation and efficiency variables were .7049 and .8301, respectively. The analysis of the influence of the variables on the 3 routes were as follows: 1) the work environment path to the team performance was the path with the largest total impact size of 0.8618 by having direct and indirect impact with a medium influence size of 0.2844, followed by 2) the work environment path to the motivation was a path with a total impact size of 0.8396, by having all direct effects with a large influence value of 2.3893, and 3) the motivation path to the team performance was the path with a total impact size of 0.5445 by having all direct effects with a medium influence value of 0.5150. In this research, it was discovered that the working environment that resulted in the efficiency of the team will be increased. The employee's performance motivation must also be passed on.
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