Exploration of the Development Path of Urban Cultural Industry An example of Harbin Summer Music Concert

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TianChi Luan


The cultural industry represents the soft power of a country or a region and has an essential role in helping economic growth. The development of cultural industries requires continuous exploration and innovation, and seeks to diversify and develop dynamically, in this regard, the Harbin Summer Music Concerts held regularly in Harbin, China, are an excellent case study for us to learn from and refer to. Along with the development of Harbin, a famous northern city, the Harbin Summer Music Concert has been successfully held for 35 sessions, which has witnessed the great achievements of the people of Harbin in building their homeland, accompanying the people of Harbin through the difficulties and hardships in the early stage of their business, greatly encouraged the people's morale, enriched the cultural life of the people, became synonymous with Harbin, a famous northern city. This study uses qualitative research methods to analyze and summarize the various paths of city cultural industry development through survey analysis of the emergence and development of Harbin Summer Music Concert, in an attempt to provide corresponding experiences and new insights for the development and transformation of cultural industries in various cities today.

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