Approach for Managing Local Wisdom of the Silk Weaving Group at Bankhokphet Cho Phaka Sub-District Chamni District Buriram Province

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Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn
Rachata Ubollert
Thanapat Jongmeesuk


The purposes of this research were to1) find out the context of Ban Khok Phet silk weaving communities, Cho Phaka Subdistrict, Chamni District, Buriram Province; and to 2)  investigate the local wisdom management guidelines of Ban Khok Phet silk weaving group, Cho Phaka Subdistrict, Chamni District, Buriram Province using a qualitative research. The sample included 30 community leaders, community developers, district agricultural officer, sub-district administrative organization staff and the weavers at Ban Khok Phet chosen by purposive sampling method. The data were collected by using observation, focus group, and in-depth interview. The collected data were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings revealed that Ban Khok Phet community inherited weaving from their ancestors in which weaving was an additional income-generating occupation apart from agriculture. The silk weaving group was established from the project, "Community Livelihood" by Chamni District Community Development, Buriram Province in 2016. The products from silk weaving group were distributed both in the village and nearby communities as well as in the OTOP exhibition, an annual local event of Buriram Province. Moreover, the group received orders from the customers on special occasions. Additionally, the silk weaving group had a guideline for knowledge management of local wisdom, including the body of knowledge, methods for knowledge acquisition, exchange of knowledge, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, and application of knowledge.

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