Art Activities Promoting the Appreciation of Nan’s Textile Handicraft’s Identity for Tourists
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One of the various cultural crafts produced locally in the Nan province is textile handicraft. These designs not only have exquisite weaving and gorgeous colors, but they also interpolate meanings that reflect the beliefs of the Nan people. This research aimed to develop art activities and processes that promote appreciation and knowledge about the identity of Nan's textile handicraft for creative travelers. The research uses mixed methods, divide into 2 phases: 1) The investigation of the identity of Nan's textile handicraft, 2) The development and the quality testing of the blended art activities. The samples were three age groups among Thai tourists. Research tools included a rating scale evaluation form, a reflection form, and a satisfaction questionnaire. Data were gathered using interview forms and evaluation forms, and analyzed using the arithmetic mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The findings of the study were as follows: 1) The blended art activity was “MY TE LU.” It was an activity that tourists could do by themselves. They could do both before and during traveling, consisting of “Auspicious Cover”, the activity for decorating the cover of a notebook. “Lucky Keychains” was the invention of lucky keychains. “Coloring Fortuned”, was a coloring luggage tags activity. 2) The results of the experimental activities showed that after doing the activities, 7 – 14 years old had a high level of appreciation ( = 2.90). 15 – 24 years old had a high level of appreciation (
= 3.03). 25 years or older had a high level of appreciation (
= 3.24). In terms of knowledge gained, it was found that all sample group had level of knowledge about Nan's textile handicrafts after doing the activities averaged 7.13 out of 10 points. Their satisfaction with activities was at a high level (
= 4.33).
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