The Successful Indicators of the Internal Drivers’ Salesforce In Thailand’s paint Industry

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Sirinthorn Setthawiriyathada
Prin Laksitamas


The research aims to investigate the successful  indicators of saleforce internal drive in the Thai painting industry. The main research objectives were to examine (1) the successful level of the salesforce internal drive in the Thai painting industry, and (2) the development and the content validity indicators of the successful salesforce internal drive  in the Thai painting industry. The questionnaire was used to analyze the date from the sample of 600 salespeople in the Thai painting industry. The software of SPSS version 23.0 and Amos version 24.0 were used in this research. The data received were analyzed using  frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and the secondary order confirmatory factor analysis for research conclusion. The research results found that the sample salesforce responded with opinion toward the success of internal drivers’ salesforce in the Thai painting industry at highest level ( equation = 4.31).  Regarding at each factor,  the factor of  sales expectations received the highest mean( equation =4.38). Next on down in descending orders, were the factors of sales team (equation =4.36), sales process (  =4.31), sales motivation (equation  =4.28,) and organization engagement (equation  =4.24), respectively. The developing indicators from salesforce drivers’ in the Thai painting industry  were created consistently with the empirical data consisting of 15 indicators on 5 components. Thus, as aforementioned, the value of construct reliability: ρc was 0.930 including the value of average variance extracted: ρv was 0.727 and exploratory  factor loading value  was over 0.40 at statistically significance at 0.05.

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