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Segmentation Blood Vessel for Decision-Making to Support the Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common retinal complication associated with diabetes. This complication is seen clearly on the retinal image of the patients such as microaneurysms, cotton-wool spots, hemorrhages, exudates and macular edema, etc. The brightness of the color and the contrast of the disease in retinal images are important but very difficult to distinguish between the disease and blood vessel from the background of retinal image. The method of extraction of blood vessels and searching for the confluence of the vessels in the center of the optical disk correctly, in fact the basic steps, will lead to the diagnosis of the disease more accurately. As for this article, the researchers presented an approach of segmentation blood vessel to support decision-making for screening of diabetic Retinopathy base on segmentation blood vessels from retinal images including the use of other anatomical features in retinal image for diagnosis correctly.
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