Business Direction on Belief in Thailand 4.0
Main Article Content
Belief is considered a part of Thai people which is varied according to the basic education, family, society, culture, tradition, politics and economy. Nowadays, society enters the era of globalization which is a period of technological prosperity and also brings information flowing infinitely boundless. If the recipient has belief without the use of intelligence, scrutinize and analyze those data with judgment. There may be a problem in applying that information. Therefore cultivate virtues and knowledge to develop intelligence for the people to use judgment, reason, and live sufficiently without persecute others is important to manage properly in three dimensions; 1) social dimension: understanding of the different contexts and dynamics of complex belief in a multicultural society. 2) legal dimension: measures or rules that concern clearly about belief in terms of the consumer protection, human rights, price of goods and services, the electronic business and the promotion and preservation of the intangible cultural heritage, and 3) business management model: the adjustment of business model concerning belief in the proactive way with innovation and real time communication to cover the comprehensive regulatory practices of belief in the form of a multicultural society in order to create a new dimension of the belief in Thailand.
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