14. Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Plus Size Ladies Clothes Buying Behavior Online

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This research aimed to 1) studying marketing mix factors affecting ladies plus size clothes Online shopping behavior, 2) studying the behavior of buying ladies plus size clothes online, 3) comparing the behavior of buying ladies plus size clothes online classified by personal information. The sample group of 400 people was consumers buying online ladies plus size clothes. The tool used for data collection was a scale questionnaire, the accuracy was between 0.60 – 1.00 equal to 0.806 and the confidence value of 0.855 The analyzed data consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, Chi-square, and multiple regression analysis.

 The different marriage status had a behavior of choosing the type of dresses and the timing to the purchase was no different, but in terms of reasons, guidelines, patterns, and purchase quantity were different. The difference in education had a behavior of choosing the type of dresses, reason, and guidelines for selection were different, but in terms of reasons, guidelines, patterns, and purchase quantity were no different. The different occupations had a set type selection behavior, reason, guidelines for selection were different, but in terms of reasons, guidelines, patterns, and purchase quantity were different. The difference of average monthly income had a set type selection behavior, reason, guidelines for selection were different, but in terms of reasons, guidelines, patterns, and purchase quantity were no different with a statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
KHINSUWAN, O., & YEESUNTES, W. (2020). 14. Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Plus Size Ladies Clothes Buying Behavior Online . Santapol College Academic Journal, 7(1), 121–127. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/scaj/article/view/245943
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