The Use of Game-based Learning to Support Intrinsic Motivation in English Vocabulary Learning: A Case Study of Pre-Engineering Vocational Students in Thailand


  • Siriwimon Na Chiangmai Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna


Motivation, Self-Determination Theory, Vocabulary, Game-based Learning


        Motivation is a significant factor in English vocabulary learning. EFL teachers need to motivate students to learn English vocabulary. The use of card games has been identified as one promising method to encourage learners’ interest. This research was a quasi-experimental research study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the use of card games. A control group studied with a traditional teaching approach and an experimental group studied with the use of card games. This research used a mixed-methods research approach based on self-determination theory. There were three data collection methods. The first one was a quantitative methodology using a questionnaire to measure intrinsic motivation. The second and third methods were qualitative methodologies using open-ended questions and interview to explore the students’ opinions and feelings toward each teaching strategy. The quantitative findings showed that the English vocabulary post-test results of both groups were higher than the pre-test results. However, there was no significant difference in the post-test results. The qualitative findings showed that the experimental group perceived intrinsic motivation whereas the control group perceived extrinsic motivation as identified regulation. The use of card games can increase intrinsic motivation. Finally, most students expressed a preference for EFL teachers to use more activities in the classroom.


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