The Study Problems State of Professional Experience Training of Course Certificate Graduate Students Teaching Program of Education Faculty , Vongchalitkul University


  • Therdtoon Kakai คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยวงษ์ชวลิตกุล


Problems State, Professional Experience Training, A Diploma Course in Teaching


          This research aimed 1) to study the problems of teacher diploma of students graduate in teaching, according to the perceptions of students 2) to compare the conditions and problem of teachers. Student of Graduate Certificate in Teaching, according to using statistical analysis, One-way ANOVA  the result showed that 1) Students had problems in teacher training experience in the medium level; The teaching and learning plan. The condition and problems in teacher training experience is in low level; The school teaching practice, the supervisors and the mentor teachers  2) Compare problem in teacher training experience. It was found that the problems in teacher training experience in terms of  gender, teaching experience and affiliate with the school’s teacher differ The problems in teaching practice, teachers are not different.


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How to Cite

Kakai, T. (2019). The Study Problems State of Professional Experience Training of Course Certificate Graduate Students Teaching Program of Education Faculty , Vongchalitkul University. SIKKHA Journal of Education, 6(2), 33–46. Retrieved from



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