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ณัฐวดี สวัสดิ์ภักดี


This research aimed to: 1) study opinion of trainers on desirable competencies; and 2) compare the opinion on desirable competencies among trainers with different gender, age, educational level, working experiences as a trainer, and field of vocational training on four aspects of competencies including knowledge, skills, attributes, and professional ethics. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the research sample consisting of 260 trainers of Bangkok Vocational Training Centers who were selected by using simple random sampling. Hypothesis was tested with-test and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

The result found that: 1) the trainers with different gender, age, educational level, and field of vocational training had no difference in their the opinion on the overall desirable competencies as well as each of the aspect of the competencies; and 2) The trainers with different working experiences had different opinion on the overall desirable competencies and those in the aspects of knowledge, and professional ethics, with a .05 level of statistical significance. 

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