Critical of Success Factor in Mangement of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Phonphisai District of Nongkhai Province

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จ่าเอกประกอบ ประดิษฐ์ศิลป์
ดร.ปวิช เฉลิมวัฒน์


The objectives and methodologies applied in this research were (1) to study critical success factors in management of sub-district administrative organizations in Phonphisai district of Nongkhai province, and (2) to compare critical success factors in management of sub-district administrative organizations in Phonphisai district of Nongkhai province. The researcher studied from samples of 234 respondents. Data were collected using questionnaire technique, and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences with Micro-computer in calculating percentage, mean, standard deviation, pairwise multiple comparison using T-test, and the one way analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA) for comparisons of 3 or more groups of samples. When differences were identified, pairwise comparison using least significant different technique was used in testing them with significance level of 0.05.

Results revealed that the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Phonphisai district of Nongkhai province in general was found to be at high level. Levels ranked on each aspect were personnel management, planning, coordination, expenditure, administration, and performance reporting. All aspect of management of sub-district administrative organizations in Phonphisai district of Nongkhai province were found to be at high level, and comparison on different genders didn’t indicate difference at significance level of 0.05, while comparisons on different ages and education levels in general were found to be different at significance level  of 0.01 and 0.05 respectively.

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