The design of a multimedia instructional module which combines music skill practice and Kodaly’s method of hand signals for primary-level students

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Oran Ponpanidh
Intira Robroo


          The objective of this research was to compare primary-level students’ academic achievement in a music subject between before and after the use of a multimedia instructional module which was designed to combine music skill practice and Kodaly’s method of hand signals. The population were 90 5th grade primary-level students from three classes in the international program of Sarasas Witaed Suksa School, Samutprakarn Province. This research was conducted in the 2nd semester of academic year 2019. One class among these class was randomly selected as the sample of this research.  This class consisted of 30 students. The research instruments consisted of the multimedia instructional module which was designed to combine music practice and Kodaly’s method of hand signals and a learning management plan of the music subject. An academic achievement test for the music subject with a reliability coefficient of 0.807 was used to collect data. A paired simple t-test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the students’ academic achievement after the multimedia instructional module had been used was higher than after it had been used, with a .05 level of statistical significance. The mean score and standard deviation of the students’ academic achievement before the use of the multimedia instructional module were 15.60 and 2.58, respectively whereas those after the use of the multimedia instructional module were 21.20 and 2.57, respectively.

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