The marketing mix of made-to-order food businesses which influence the level of customers’ decision-making in purchases within the Ministry of Finance.

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Panisara Thammahon
Bundit Phrapratanporn


The a la carte restaurant business consists of a small number of restaurants in which most of the entrepreneurs do not had high amount of capital and lack appropriate marketing directions to operate their businesses. The objectives of this research were to analyze whether differences in demographic factors of the customers affected their purchasing decision and to examine influences of marketing mix used the restaurant entrepreneurs on the level of the customers’ purchasing decision-making. This research employed a quantitative research methodology focusing on the survey of the customers’ opinion. The research sample consisted of 400 consumers who had experiences of purchasing food from the a la carte restaurants located in the market behind the Ministry of Finance. They were selected via random sampling. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, T-Test One-Way ANOVA and regression analysis. The results of the research showed that differences in the customers’ demographic background (i.e. gender, age, marital status, monthly income, education level and occupation had an effect on their purchasing decision-making. Moreover, marketing mix uses by the restaurants’ entrepreneurs had an influence on the customers’ levels of purchasing decision-making, of which product had the highest influence, followed by people or staff members, promotion, distribution of channel, physical aspects, process and price, respectively. The results of this research can be used to enhance the operation of small restaurants in order to help them attract more customers and increase their revenue.

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