The Effects of the Quality of Financial Reporting and Antecedents on Staff’s Perception on the Corporate Image of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Nathwena Sinthuchaiyapakseree
Prayong Meechaisue
Chadaporn Teekautta


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the effect of corporate social responsibility on the corporate governance, quality of financial reporting and corporate image; 2) the effect of corporate governance on the quality of financial reporting and corporate image; and 3) the effect of the quality of financial reporting on corporate image. This research used a mixed research methodology combining between quantitative and qualitative research methods. For the quantitative research part, data were collected from 729 personnel of the companies listed on the stock exchange of Thailand with the use of a questionnaire. Data were then analyzed with a structural equation model. As for the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 informants. The research findings showed that: 1) corporate social responsibility had a positive effect on corporate governance but had no direct effect on the quality of financial reporting and corporate image of the companies listed on the stock exchange of Thailand; 2) corporate governance had a positive effect on the quality of financial reporting but had no effect on corporate image of these companies; and 3) the quality of financial reporting had a positive effect on corporate image of these companies. This research proposes an approach for achieving a positive corporate image for the companies listed on the stock exchange of Thailand. In order to have a positive corporate image, social responsibility must be demonstrated first, then good corporate governance can be established. Through this way, the organizations can achieve the quality of their financial reporting which means that they can provide accurate and complete reports on time. This in turn leads the organizations to achieve the best possible image. 

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