Influence of Marketing Strategies on Customers’ Decision to Revisit Cosmetic Surgery Clinics in Bangkok

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Pornrat chanchavanich
Pordee Sukapun
Pramsuk Huanprapai


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) customers’ opinion levels on marketing strategies and their decision to revisit cosmetic surgery clinics in Bangkok; and 2) influence of marketing strategies on customers’ decision to revisit cosmetic surgery clinics in Bangkok, based on the concepts of integrated marketing communications, service quality, and electronic word of mouth communications. The data were collected from 400 individuals who had used the service of cosmetic surgery clinics in Bangkok at least once within 12 months.  A questionnaire was used to collect the data.  The data were then analyzed with descriptive statistics including percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation and a multiple regression analysis. The study found that most of the respondents were single, female, aged between 30-39, bachelor's degree holders who worked at a private company and earn around 20,001-30,000 Baht per month. The analysis of their opinion showed that: (1) integrated marketing communications in terms of advertising, salespersons, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing were rated at high level, (2) as for service quality, tangibility of service was rated at the highest level, followed by credibility and reliability of the service, response to customers, establishment of trust among customers, and knowing and understanding of customers were at high level; and 3) electronic word of mouth communications, e-mail, online video, and social networks were rated at high level. As for the influence of marketing strategies on customers’ decision to revisit cosmetic surgery clinics, the analysis demonstrated that integrated marketing strategies, electronic word of mouth communications, and service quality could predict customers’ decision by 63.50%, 52.10%, and 45.20%, respectively.

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