Marketing Factors Influencing the Purchasing Decisions of Oversized Clothing via Facebook of the Customers in Bangkok

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Pattarapol Chanchavanich
Pordee Sukpun


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the level of the opinion on online marketing strategies and purchasing decision of the oversized clothing using Facebook among customers living in Bangkok; and 2) examine online marketing strategies influencing purchasing decision of the oversized clothing via Facebook among customers living in Bangkok. This study was conducted based on the concepts of integrated marketing communication, online influencers, and consumer’s purchasing decision-making concepts. An online questionnaire was used as a research instrument for data collection. The sample consisted of 400 plus-size consumers with prior experience of purchasing oversized dresses on Facebook who lived in Bangkok. Data were then analyzed using statistics to determine percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study showed that most of the respondents were female, 20-29 years old, had single status, graduated with a bachelor's degree, earned monthly income not more than 20,000 baht, and worked as private business owner/merchant. Their opinion on: 1) the online marketing factors was at a high level in overall. When considering an individual aspect, direct marketing was at the highest, followed by customers’ reviews on articles, price, advertising, the product reviews using images, privacy, products & services and activities which were all rated at a high level; and 2) customers’ purchasing decision of the oversized clothing via Facebook was rated at a high level in overall, and when considering at each aspect, it was found that customers’ post-purchase behavior was rated at the highest, followed by customers’ purchasing decision which was at a high level. The analytic results of online marketing strategies influencing purchasing decision-making process of oversized clothing on Facebook among customers living in Bangkok indicated that: 1) in terms of purchasing decision, online marketing strategies could predict the customers’ purchasing decision by 63.50 percent; and 2) for the post-purchase behavior, online marketing strategies could predict the customers’ purchasing decision by 47.50 percent.

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