The Model for Developing Customer Loyalty for the Energy-Saving Lighting Business in Thailand
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This study is about a model for developing customer loyalty for the energy-saving lighting in Thailand. It aimed to: 1) examine casual factors influencing the development of a model for developing customer loyalty for the energy-saving lighting business in Thailand; 2) study a model for developing customer loyalty for the energy-saving lighting business in Thailand; 3) develop a model for developing customer loyalty for the energy-saving lighting business in Thailand. This research employed a mixed research methodology. Questionnaire was used to collect the data from 400 persons using products. The data were analyzed by using structural equation model (SEM). In addition, to collect qualitative data, in-depth interviews were also conducted with 15 entrepreneurs and marketing experts.
The findings showed that most of the respondents were men aging between 30-39 years old, working in a private company, earning around 30,001-40,000 Baht per month, holding a Master’s degree, and had around 3-4 years of working experiences. The hypothesis testing results showed that product quality, perceive value, and quality of service had a positive direct influence on customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty. In addition, customer satisfaction and customer trust had a positive direct influence on customer loyalty, with a statistical significance at .01. It was also found that the factors conformed to the empirical evidence, and the Goodness of Fit Index of all 4 indexes were acceptable (The Model X2/df = 0.547, GFI = 1.00, AGFI = 0.990, and RMSEA = 0.000). This was concluded that the structural equation model conformed to the empirical evidence.
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