The Influence of Service Marketing Mix on the Decision to Choose The In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area
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The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the level of opinions on the service marketing mix and the decision to choose the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area; and 2) the influence of service marketing mix on the decision to choose the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area. This study was quantitative research. The samples used in the research were the customers who used the service of the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The statistics used to analyze the data include mean, standard deviation. and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study showed that most of the respondents were female, aged between 30 - 39 years, had been married for between 7-11 years, hold a bachelor's degree, and were private business owners. Their average monthly income was between 50,001 - 100,000 baht per month. The respondents’ opinion on the service marketing mix factor were high in the aspects of, sorted in a descending order, price (= 3.87), promotion (
= 3.74), place (
= 3.66), process (
= 3.65), products and service (
= 3.63), physical evidence (
= 3.56) and people (
= 3.47). Moreover, the respondent’s decision to choose the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area (
=3.65) was also at a high level. Additionally, the results of the research also showed that service marketing mix had an influence on the decision to choose the In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center in Bangkok Area by 40.20 percent, and with the statistical significance level of 0.05.
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