The Impact of Service Quality on Consumer’s decision to Use the Service offered by Prince Mahidol Hall Conference Center at Mahidol University (Salaya Campus)

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ฟาเวีย ดาวซ้อน
Bundit Phrapatanporn


            The objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate the significant attributes of demographic factors, service quality, and the decision to use the services offered by Prince Mahidol Hall Conference Center at Mahidol University (Salaya Campus); 2) explore how differences in particular demographic factors can influence the decision to use services offered by Prince Mahidol Hall Conference Center; and 3) to study influences of service quality provided by Prince Mahidol Hall Conference Center on consumers’ decisions. The samples were 400 service users of Prince Mahidol Hall Conference. Data were collected via a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics which were one-way ANOVA analysis and multiple regression analysis.

             According to the findings, the service user demographic primarily consisted of females aged 19-23 years old, who were undergraduate students. On average, these individuals availed the services approximately seven times per month. Notably, the car park emerged as the most frequently utilized area. Furthermore, recommendations from others emerged as the most significant source of information for the users.

          The hypothesis testing of individual factors revealed that differences in education levels significantly affected the decision to use the service offered by Prince Mahidol Hall Conference Center at Mahidol University at a statistical level of 0.01. Furthermore, the quality of service in terns of empathy and tangibility influenced the decision to use the service at a statistical significance level of 0.01.

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