Emotional Quotient and research competency of undergraduate Students Studying Educational Research using the Collaborative Learning

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อพันตรี พูลพุทธา


This research aims 1) to compare the emotional quotient of undergraduate students before and after learning by using collaborative learning in Educational Research subject and 2) to study students’ research competency of undergraduate students after learning by using  collaborative learning method. Samples were 36 Computer Science undergraduate students, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University who enrolled in Educational Research subject. The instruments used in this study were Emotional Quotient Test, Competency Assessment Test, and lesson plan. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and Dependent t-test. The results showed that: 1) students’ Emotional Quotient after using collaborative learning was significantly higher than before using collaborative learning at .05 level.  2) Students assessed themselves about their research competency were at a high level. Also, the score evaluated by teachers was higher than 80%.

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