A Model of Career Stability of Associate Directors under the Office Commission of Basic Education Commission

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ปฏิพัฒน์ บุญรักษ์
อัจฉรา นิยมาภา
วิสุทธิ์ วิจิตรพัชราภรณ์
สนั่น ประจงจิตร


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study relationship between factors influencing career stability of associate directors under the Office of Basic Education Com; 2) to verify consistency of a model of career stability of these associate directors with empirical data; and 3) to propose a model of career stability of these school associate directors.  A samples of 352 was randomly selected from associated directors under the Office of the Basic Education, in the  2015 academicyear. The results were as follows:  1) All factors were found to be positively related: career engagement and career stability of associate directors , school associate director roles and school associate director relationship , school associate director relationship and school associate director behavior , and school associate director roles and school associate director behavior 2) school associate director roles, school associate director relation, and school associate director behavior had direct influences on career engagement. Career engagement had direct influence on career stability of associate directors.  It was, therefore, concluded that those factors of school associate director roles, school associate director relation, and school associate director behavior had indirect influence on career stability of associate directors  and through the factor of career engagement 3) The model was consistency with the empirical data (gif.latex?\chi&space;2=114.37, df=106, P-value=0.272, GFI=0.97, RMSEA = 0.015) school associate director roles, school associate director relation, school associate director behavior  and career engagement.All four factors could collentively explain career stability of associate directors 82 per cent

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