Causal Model of Factors Affecting Organizational Climate as

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บัญชา ปลื้มอารมย์
สิทธิพร นิยมศรีสมศักดิ์
สุขุม มูลเมือง



The purposes of research were to investigate the causal model of factors affecting organizational climate as perceived by teacher of secondary schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, by which the organizational climate was applied from Stringer (2002). The sample, derived by means of simple random sampling, consisted of 800 teachers of 100 secondary schools, in the academic year of 2013. There were six latent variables namely, school climate, performance, perception, motivation, environment and leadership. The research instruments were six questionnaires asking about the latent variables. The statistical devices used in this research were descriptive statistics used SPSS and was used AMOS to develop and validate the causal relationship model. Results indicated that the causal model of factors affecting school climate was congruence with the empirical data at good level. Goodness of fit measures were founds to be: X2 = 1252.038, df = 33, p = .000, CFI = .900, NFI = .898, IFI = .901 GFI = .796, and RMSEA = .218, The variables in hypothesis model explained school climate up to 98%. Variables which were statistically significant direct effect to school climate were: 1) perception 2) environment 3) performance 4) motivation and 5) leadership. Variables which were statistically significant indirect effect on school climate were: 1) Leadership indirectly affected through motivation; 2) Motivation indirectly affected through perception. The research also found the organization climate of large sized school was better than small sized school.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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