Participatory Action Research of Private SchooL Administration using Balanced Scorecard Approach : A Case Study of Kanjanawittaya School Chonburi Province

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หทัยวรรณ วิศวกุลวาณิช
ภารดี อนันต์นาวี
สุรีพร อนุศาสนนันท์




The purposes of this study were to apply balanced scorecard technique with the educational administration, to find the appropriate balanced scorecard processes which fit with the educational administration, and to assess the evaluation of using balanced scorecard in educational administration. The technique used in this research was Participatory Action Research (PAR) according to the study by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988). The research process composed of 5 phases which are 1) Research Preparation, 2) Feasibility Study,  3) Planning,    4) Implementation and Monitoring,  and 5) Evaluation . The primary data were collected from 32 representatives of school stakeholders in Kanjanawittaya school, Chonburi province as the case study. The 32 samples consisted of 1 school vice director, 5 teachers, 3 committees of school board in basic education, 10 parents and guardians, 10 students and 3 community. The whole data in each phase were analyzed by using Brain Storming technique. The research results discovered that there were 4 perspectives (Student Perspective, Internal Process Perspective, Learning & Developing Perspective, and Budget & Resource Perspective) which were suitable to apply balanced scorecard technique in educational administration. Whereas there were 10 processes of balanced scorecard that were appropriate with educational administration after preparation period. These 10 processes were 1) Be prepared for teamwork, 2) Analyze school conditions, 3) Identify workshop, 4) Determine strategic plan, 5) Build balanced scorecard, 6) Define and revise Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 7) Specify Responsible Units, 8) Illustrate details of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 9) Determine Strategy into action, and 10) determine plan into action. A part from school administration using balanced scorecard evaluation in Kanjanawittaya School, this study was discovered that 28 KPIs were succeeded and every KPIs was reached higher than the expected goal. This study was also found 4 key success factors which were 1) Executive Leadership, 2) Management Skills, 3) Dynamic Participatory Action Research, and 4) Continuous and Sustainable Systematic Development. All the processes derived from participation of stakeholders which affected the quality of learners according to educational standards.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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