Model Development for Student Supporting Network System in Secondary Schools under the Local Government Organization

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วิไล บุญญานุวัตร
ช่อเพชร เบ้าเงิน
นิรันดร์ จุลทรัพย์


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the present state and problems of  the student  supporting  network system in secondary schools; 2) to develop a student supporting network system model; and 3) to  examine the suitability  and feasibility of the  student  supporting  network system model  in secondary schools under the local  government organization. The research was operated through mixed experimental method. It comprised 3 steps. Step 1, studying  of the present  state  and problems of the student supporting network system by  synthezing related  documents and research  paper, then constructing a structured interview  form for used to interview 32 related person obtained by purposive selection concerned. They were school administrators, advisory teachers, guardian teachers, guidance teachers, school board, parent network, president of students, and outside network. There were 4 persons in each group. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Step 2, developing of a student supporting network system model. This step was done by using step 1 data and output. They were used to set a draft model of student supporting network system. Then the model was developed by focus group discussion of 9 educational luminaries composed of 3executives, 3 academicians, and 3 practitioners. The results of discussion were adjusted and established the model of student supporting network system in secondary schools under the local government organization. Step 3, examining the suitability and feasibility  of  the student  supporting network  model via a  questionnaire  consisting  of  5 levels of rating  scale, with  0.93 of reliability. The  sample consisted  of 335 people derived  by Krejcie and Morgan table. They were school administrators, student supporting system heads, and class level heads. The statistical analysis of data were implemented through mean and standard deviation. The results of the study as follows: 1) The present state of student supporting network system included the structure and functions of the board, consisting of  3 groups: steering committee, coordinating committee and organization committee. Network management was composed of preparation and planning, operations, supervision, monitoring following up and evaluation. The operation procedures of  student supporting system consisted of individual student recognition, student screening, promotion and development, prevent, resolving, and forwarding. In terms  of the  student  supporting  network  problems found that there was low involvement  from  local  network. In the  aspect of network  management, it revealed  the lack of coordination,  following up, evaluation, reporting  and continuation  of  public relation. 2) The developed model manifested  the structure and relationships of the components of student supporting network system in secondary  schools  under the local  government organization which were actually composed  of: structural board and functions included; steering committee and organizing committee, network management aspect comprised; preparation and planning, resource mobilization, follow up plan, communication, knowledge sharing, following up and evaluation, reporting and public relation, operation  procedures of student supporting network  system aspect included;  individual students recognition, student screening, promotion and development, prevention and resolving, and forwarding. 3) The developed  model of student supporting network system in secondary schools under the local  government organization was in the aspect of suitability  and feasibility  were  at  high  levels  in each  aspect and overall.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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