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เกษม เป้าศรีวงษ์
สุขแก้ว คำสอน
ไชยรัตน์ ปราณี




The purposes of the research were 1) to construct the empowering supervision model for classroom action teacher research, and 2) to experiment the empowering supervision model. The research was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1. Construct the empowering supervision model for classroom action teacher research comprising of 3 sub-divisions as follows: 1 drafting the model and making the manual for the model, 2 evaluating the model by testing the consistency with the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation in terms of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy by 12 experts, 3 adjusting the model according to the experts’ recommendations then analyzing the results to make the empowering supervision model and also the manual for the model. Phase 2. Experiment the empowering supervision model with all 50 teachers of Thepsalaprachason School under the Office of Secondary Educational Area 42. Evaluate the experiment of the model by assessing the level of internal empowering, knowledge and understanding in doing the action research before and after the experiment of the supervision model. Evaluate the result of the classroom action teacher research and evaluate the efficiency of supervision model according to the standards of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. The findings were as follows: 1. The empowering supervision model for classroom action research had 4 important stages of characteristics as planning, training, coaching and reflection. The overall index of model consistency according to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation in utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy was 0.94 and when considering each item, it was found that the index consistency was as follows : feasibility of 0.97 , accuracy of 0.96 , utility of 0.92 and propriety of 0.90. 2. The result of the experiment of using empowering supervision model for classroom action teacher research found that 2.1) The internal empowering of the teacher research after using the supervision model was higher than the prior use significantly different at 0.50 level.2.2) Knowledge, understanding in classroom action teacher research after using the supervision model was higher than the prior use significantly different at 0.05 level. 2.3) The result of classroom action teacher research was qualified from good to best in 41 out of 50 areas of 82% 2.4) The overall supervision model was efficient according to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation in terms of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy with the highest levels and when considering each item it was found that utility, feasibility and accuracy were at the highest levels; whereas, the propriety was at a high level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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