Career Promotion of Ethnic Groups from Burma, Mae Sot, Tak Province

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คมสันต์ นาควังไทร


The aims of this research were to 1) examine the social capital, culture and knowledge of the ethnic communities from Burma in Mae Sot, 2) study the career promotion activities for the female group in Mae Sot, and 3) analyze the potential of the female labors to develop a career by using questionnaires, interview forms and focus group. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) The total area of Muslim community covered approximately five square kilometers. The community was divided into two groups - Thai Muslim and the Burmese Ethnic Muslim. The majority of them were employees, waste collectors, farmes, and factory workers. 2) The government activities and projects mostly were controlling, monitoring, and looking after legal employment. However, the female ethnic workers from Burma were not covered by both government activities and projects.  For non-government organizations, there were several activities for these communities. This includes supporting community development activities, environment and sanitation, and human rights. There were no direct supports for career development. In the entrepreneur’s point of view, the labors lacked knowledge and skills.  3) Sewing is the first potential career that the female ethnic workers from Burma could do, followed by housework and grocery keeper, but they were not allowed to do these careers because they do not have legislative status, knowledge and skills, fund and education.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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