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นพวรรณ์ ไชยชนะ
สุขแก้ว คำสอน
ไชยรัตน์ ปราณี



The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current condition and analyze the basic data of science learners’ abilities in primary education, 2) to evaluate the needs to promote thinking competence towards science learning in primary education, 3) to construct and develop a science learning model enhancing thinking competence in primary education, 4) to try out the science learning model and 5) to evaluate science learning model enhancing thinking competence in primary education. The samples obtained by Cluster Random Sampling (Trial Run) consisting of 19 fifth grade learners at Watchaimongkhol Municipality School 2, Bangmulnak Municipality, Phichit province in the second semester of academic year2013. The data were collected by model and handbook for the model, Test on Thinking competence, satisfaction questionnaire and analyzed by mean, standard deviation, dependent statistics, Priority Needs Index (PNI) and content analysis. The findings were as follows: 1. The current condition and the basic data analysis on thinking ability of the Science learning of primary school learners, their mean scores of the thinking competence of primary education on the learners’ quality found that the current condition “What is” overall was at a moderate level (=3.17), in terms of learning aspect, the current condition “What is” from the teachers’ questionnaire overall was at a highest level (=3.98) which resulted for a model construction. 2. The needs assessment, the priority sequence of the needs, the mean scores and the variance of the mean scores of the thinking competence of primary school learners, the aspect of learners’ quality between the current condition and the promoting condition were designated by Priority Needs Index (PNI), size of the mean score difference (need) in the first 7 orders were connecting skill, interpreting skill, observational skill, concluding skill, summarizing skill were 6.55, 6.36, 6.36, 5.87, 5.69. Giving the weight per item in 7% of the interpreting skill, the reasoning skill were 5.69, 4.89 respectively, giving the weight per item in 6% and the rest in 5%. In terms of learning management, the first order was learning activity management by skill training in learners’ thinking according to the learning standard enhancing thinking competence of science learning strand was 2.98. 3. Science learning model enhancing thinking competence of primary education learners entitled “IRSEA Model” comprised principles, objectives, strand and process, activity and science learning procedure, measurement and evaluation with 6 steps as follows: 1. Interest constructing, 2 Reflection, 3. Activity, 4. Summarizing, 5. Evaluation, and 6. Application. All the steps have been assessed by 11 experts and it was found that overall it was at a highest level (=4.85) with a ratio of 0.97 which was at a highest level. When considering by items, it was found that the utility was at a highest level with mean of 4.84, the feasibility was a highest level with mean of 4.82, the propriety was at a highest level with mean of 4.85, the accuracy was at a highest level with mean of 4.87 which were higher than the criterion significantly different at .05 level. And the evaluative result of the science learning model enhancing thinking competence of the primary education learners was higher than the designated criterion of 80/80. 4. The result of science learning model enhancing thinking competence of primary school learners found that the mean scores of post learning test were higher than prior learning test significantly different at .05 level. 5. The result of the satisfaction assessment of the primary education learners after using the science learning model enhancing thinking competence overall found that the learners’ satisfaction scores were at a highest level with mean score of 4.86 and with the ratio of 0.97 which was higher than the criterion significantly different at .05 level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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