Patterns Development Plan for Improving the Quality of Pattaya City 8 (Pattaya - nu-kun)

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This study was intended to: 1) define a model and process for the school’s educational quality development plan, 2) prepare a manual to support the school’s educational quality development plan and assessment, and 3) propose a policy and practice to improve an efficiency of school quality management.  Research and development methods were used in this study with thirty specific samples selected from Pattaya City School 8 (Pattaya-nu-kun), whose knowledge related in the field. The samples consisted of a director, three deputy-directors, a head of quality assurance and responsible academic standards of the school, five members in case a general factor study, eight members in case a process study and another thirteen members in case an outcome study. The research procedure consists of five steps. Step 1, basic information problems of the educational plan, interview and focus group were conducted with 29 samples. Step 2, defining a model and process to plan the school educational quality development, the 30 subjects were asked to focus group. Then, five experts were requested to check the content validity with the IOC data analysis method. Step 3, processing the manual and holding conference and seminar, a brainstorming session (focus group) was conducted similarly to Step 2. Then, the manual was employed to try-out with 30 respondents. Questionnaire consisted of five levels evaluated towards general factors and the process. The data analysis program was used to show mean score and standard deviation. To evaluate outcome, three scholars were requested and defined three assessment criteria towards the school educational quality development plan. Afterwards, the school educational quality development plan was revised before the completed version would be published and contributed in conference and seminar. Step 4, assessment and monitoring of implementation, the educational quality development plan operated by Pattaya City School 8 (Pattaya-nu-kun) was evaluated and monitored. The 30 samples were assigned to take the questionnaire. Data was analyzed using the same method of the try-out step.  Step 5, proposing the policy and practice, the findings from data analyses and synthesis were discussed and concluded. The implementation could be concluded that; 1) the successful concept of the educational quality developmental plan, the school should considered four issues. Firstly, a key element of the educational quality development plan should be given in the documentation.  Secondly, the document should show a list of the planning components. Thirdly, there should have the process of planning in the document. Finally, the plan manual should be provided to assist the school to provide the educational quality development plan successfully.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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