การพัฒนาแนวคิดเรื่อง ปฏิกิริยานิวเคลียร์ ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6โดยการจัดการเรียนรู้ตามทฤษฎีแห่งการสร้างสรรค์ด้วยปัญญา

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ประเจิด อู่อะรุญ
ศศิเทพ ปิติพรเทพิน
อภิชาติ พัฒนโภครัตนา



The objective of the research was to develop 12th grade students’ understandingof the scientific conceptions of Nuclear Reaction through Constructionist learning approach. The participants of this study were 15 volunteers of 12th grade students in the largest school in Saraburi province in the second semester of academic year 2013. The research instruments were lesson plans, a scientific concept test of Nuclear Reaction, students’ journals, and informal interview logs. The researcher analyzed quantitative data with calculation of the frequencies and percentages, and analyzed qualitative data with content analysis. The findings indicated that teaching with Constructionist learning approach could enhance the students’ understanding of scientific concepts on the Nuclear Reaction. The findings also showed that most students understood the conception of the composition of the nucleus increased from 26.57% to 93.33%, the conceptions of binding energy increase from 6.67% to 100.00%, the conceptions of nuclear reaction increased from 0.00% to 93.33%, the conceptions of nuclear fission reaction increased from 0.00% to 66.67% the conceptions of chain reaction increased from 0.00% to 66.67% and the conceptions of nuclear fusion increased from 13.33% to 80.00%. Moreover, most students had no conception of nuclear reactions and misconception in the concept of binding energy before teaching with this approach. However, students increasingly understood the concept of nuclear fission, and chain reactions after teaching. Moreover, some of them had a partial conception. However, no one had complete misconception and no conception after teaching with this approach.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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