The Development of Authentic Assessment Model on Mattayomsuksa 4 Strand 3: Information and Communication Technology of Occupations and Technology Learning Area of Secondary Educational Service Area Office 33

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จีรา ศรีไทย
ทองสุข วันแสน
เกื้อ กระแสโสม


The purpose of this study was to develop the authentic assessment model for Mattayomsuksa 4 students learning on Strand 3 “Information and Communication Technology for Occupation and Technology” in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 33. There were 4 steps in the development process:  studying the data-base, creating and developing the model, trying out the model and improving the model. The results of the research found that the authentic assessment model developed had two quality aspects: characteristics and the implementation. In terms of characteristics, the overall quality components, the principles and background, objectives, operation of authentic assessment, and application, were at a highest level.  The quality of good characteristics, which consisted of 4 aspects; accuracy, propriety, congruency and feasibility, were at a highest level in overall and each aspect. As for the implementation, it was found that the validity and reliability of students’ authentic assessment of the model were at a high level.  The qualitative application process was convenient to apply. The satisfaction of the related people towards the use of the model was in the range of high to the highest levels in all groups.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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